feed the hungry

美 [fiːd ðə ˈhʌŋɡri]英 [fiːd ðə ˈhʌŋɡri]
  • 为饥民提供食物
feed the hungryfeed the hungry
  1. US aid workers have enjoyed tremendous co-operation in the countryside from North Koreans and we hope the DPRK government in Pyongyang will allow them to continue to feed the hungry , said a Senate aide involved in North Korean issues .


  2. When Jonathan Swift proposed , in 1729 , that the people of Ireland eat their children , he insisted it would solve three problems at once : feed the hungry masses , reduce the population during a severe depression , and stimulate the restaurant business .


  3. Finally , humanitarians saw it as a means of helping to feed the hungry of the world .


  4. A fine cage won 't feed the hungry bird .


  5. Feed the hungry love .


  6. My friend James Morris heads the World Food Programme , whose task is to feed the hungry .


  7. The agencies say they are facing shortfalls in efforts to feed the hungry in the region .


  8. Your click helps feed the hungry with the value of1.1 cups of staple food .


  9. And that we care for the sick ... feed the hungry ... and welcome the stranger ...


  10. They are charitable . They feed the hungry and clothe the beggar .


  11. She looked at me , horrified , and said , But how are you going to produce enough food to feed the hungry ?


  12. I am thankful for the armies of compassion volunteers who feed the hungry and shelter the poor .


  13. That 's more than enough to land a spot in the Guinness Book of Records and feed the hungry crowd that showed up .


  14. She looked at me , horrified , and said , " But how are you going to produce enough food to feed the hungry ? "


  15. Finding food to feed the hungry is becoming an increasingly difficult task as growing demand for staples such as wheat , corn and rice brings higher prices .


  16. It does not feed the hungry nor clothe the naked . Neither does it create satisfaction and pride in the worker .


  17. Prior to this latest allocation , the United States had pledged about $ 580 million to feed the hungry and ease suffering in the region .


  18. If the wealth will be used to feed the hungry , clothe the naked , give shelter to the homeless , heal the sick ;


  19. When the world was a simpler place , the rich were fat , the poor were thin , and right-thinking people worried about how to feed the hungry .


  20. Jesus implores us to feed the hungry , to give water to the thirsty , to visit those who are in prison , to comfort the sick .


  21. We have been inspired by those of you who reach out to feed the hungry , clothe the needy , and care for the sick .


  22. They will be able with a clean heart to see Jesus in the poor and do everything that Christ wants them to do : feed the hungry , clothe the naked , house the homeless .


  23. Levi Coffin , a Quaker raised in North Carolina , explained ," The Bible , in bidding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked , said nothing about color . "


  24. And yet there 's still a danger with Christ 's call to visit the sick and feed the hungry that it will be interpreted as an invitation to bestow our help like Lady Bountiful 's , to make a distinction between them and us .


  25. Because of the spiraling costs , the World Food Program says its original budget for this year is not enough to feed all the hungry .


  26. Robert B.Zoellick , president of the World Bank , said money was crucial to solving the short-term need for food aid to feed the world 's hungry .
